Do you offer free shipping to US customers? Yes, under certain conditions. Look at our shipping policy here.

Can I return an item that I purchased? Yes, under certain conditions. Look at our return policy here.

May I sell you my collection of HeroClix / Miniatures / Cards? We will certainly take a look. We can't promise to buy everything.  Look at out Sell policy here.

Do you offer international shipping? Unfortunately we are unable to ship products outside of the United States of America. We do have an eBay store. If you are an international customer, consider using our eBay store. Our items are typically more expensive there because eBay takes a large percentage of our profits. But eBay has the logistics for international shipping and will handle that part for us. 

Can I follow and shop this store on the SHOP app? Yes. First make sure you have the free SHOP app from your app store. Then follow this link.   

Do you have an YouTube channel? Yes, indeed we do. We are always working to add more videos. If you have an idea send us a message! 

Do you have a Facebook page? Totally. We are hip. 

How about an Instacar...err...an Instagram page? Yes, yes we have one of those too.

What's up with all the skulls and satanic imagery, are you satanic? No, not really...well, yes?, no, really, kinda...no not at all.  

What is your favorite metal band? All of them, but this performance in particular made an impression on our founder in 1991.